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Our website is under construction and we continue to update and add materials. Thank you for understanding 🤍





Have you ever had a toothache? Then you understand what an unbearable pain it is, that you can't move, you can't even think...

And now imagine that you are knee-deep in a swamp, you haven't slept properly since last year, arthritis is coming, and you have a toothache... Can you imagine? And we too.

We are DentalFront - caring dentists and companies that sell dental materials, who, with the help of the LODA and the Novoyavorivsk City Council, opened a dental office with 2 chairs in the city of Novoyavorivsk on the basis of a polyclinic, where dental services are provided free of charge to military personnel.

The project operates on donor funds from the doctors themselves, who come to treat our soldiers on a volunteer basis, and on funds that we can collect at educational conferences.

On the basis of the office, such services as caries treatment, treatment of gums and tooth canals under a microscope, as well as tooth extraction are provided. All equipment and materials correspond to the level of modern private dental practice.


Oleksa Tomysch 

Head of the Dental Front office in Novoyavorivsk,
dentist-surgeon, owner of the Roleksa clinic

Our goal

To provide high-quality dental care to soldiers who are sent to the front to avoid the situation of toothache on the front line.

Our monthly results

● served ~200 military monthly
● more than 300 restorations (caries)
● about 200 treated canals
● over 150 extracted teeth

Do you want to support the office in Novoyavorivsk?

By supporting the project with a donation, you provide the military with the opportunity to receive high-quality dental care for free

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